Local & USA Permit Expeditors
Our permit expediting services help streamline the permitting process for construction projects, renovations, and other real estate developments. These services can save time and resources, ensuring that projects are completed on schedule and within budget.
Residential Permit Expediting
Single-family home permits
Multi-family home permits
Home additions and renovations
Deck, patio, and fence permits
Swimming pool and spa permits
Solar panel installation permits
Demolition permits
Commercial Permit Expediting
New commercial construction permits
Commercial renovation permits
Tenant improvement permits
Change of occupancy permits
Signage permits
Parking lot and landscape permits
Green building and energy efficiency permits
Specialized Permit Expediting
Historic preservation permits
Land use and zoning permits
Conditional use permits
Variance requests and zoning appeals
Environmental impact permits
Telecommunication and cell tower permits
Residential & Commercial Sectors

Permit Expediting & Consulting
Building Permits, Trade Permits, Demolition Permits, DDOT Permits, Sign Permits, Raze Permits, New Tenant Layout Permit, Elevator Permits, New Construction Permits, Etc.

Construction Planning
Construction planning often reduces cost and aligns your vision with the final project outcome. To learn more about our construction planning services, please contact us.

Feasibility Study & Zoning Research
We perform feasibility studies to assess the viability of a project. Our studies are used to determine the likelihood of a project’s success and can influence an owner or investors decision to acquire a property.

Drafting & Design Services
We provide final design plans and even engineered plans that will allow you to bid your project and submit for a building permit.

Occupancy Permit & Business Licensing
We assist in gathering together all of your occupancy & business license requirements, filing in the paperwork, and submitting them to the proper authorities.

Stop Work Order Representative
We assist with stop work order removal in various ways including representation and on time filing of all paperwork to the local government jurisdictions.